Automating pictures from the sky!
How I'm RX'ing GOES data and 'doing stuff'
Assembly instructions for Russ's COVID SAO
Assembly instructions for Russ's VFD Ornament
Assembly instructions for Russ's VDF Clock Kit
Assembly instructions for Russ APRS RX TNC for Kismet
Assembly instructions for Russ Buttons
Assembly instructions for your badge
A RaspberryPi-3 image to test your might against
Build Halloween spooky boxes
Carputer ham dmr wifi kismet ONGOING
Status update of the carputer build
Live network status with LEDs in a small matrix
Build log of a homemade electonic wristwatch
SoHo-SIGINT sdr bluetooth wifi kismet ONGOING
Status update of homemade SIGINT Project
My build log for a QFH weather satellite RX
Build log of a homebrew Rb atomic clock
How to build your own private DMR repeater network
Build log of making powermeter clocks
Version 1.0 of the Wireless Village's SDR football
Using pifm to overpower a receiver
A silly use for pifm and encoding IP packets
Why pifm is dangerous
First time designing and running a SDR challenge in the Wireless Village