Homebrew DMR Repeater Network
Do you want to run a private DMR network separate from the mainstream systems that are available? How about connecting a repeater into mine for the variety of hacker cons that have a variety of HAM folks already, but want to be more neighborly to the already abused spectrum? Then, there is the ability of using certain hardware for easier packet mangling of DMR based communication… more on that later.
Core Components Needed
RaspberryPi 3 with Raspbian
DVMega shield for RPi
This code
And this code
Let’s get it on
Prep your RPi by installing all the build tools.
sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install build-essential git
cd MMDVMHost
vi DMRAccessControl.cpp
Find and comment out these 2 lines:
//if (prefix == 0U || prefix > 999U)
// return false;
Then compile!
Edit MMDVM.ini. Change the password, frequencies, callsigns, etc.
[ General ]
Timeout = 320
Duplex = 0
RFModeHang = 10
NetModeHang = 3
Display = None
Daemon = 0
[ Info ]
RXFrequency = 447000000
TXFrequency = 447000000
Power = 1
Latitude = 0 .0
Longitude = 0 .0
Height = 0
Location = Nowhere
Description = Multi -Mode Repeater
URL = www .google.co.uk
[ Log ]
# Logging levels , 0 = No logging
DisplayLevel = 1
FileLevel = 1
FilePath = /var/log/mmdvm /
FileRoot = MMDVM
[ DMR Id Lookup ]
File = /etc/mmdvm/DMRIds .dat
Time = 24
[ Modem ]
Port = /dev/ttyAMA 0
TXInvert = 1
RXInvert = 0
PTTInvert = 0
TXDelay = 100
DMRDelay = 0
RXLevel = 50
TXLevel = 50
RSSIMappingFile = /etc/mmdvm/RSSI .dat
Trace = 0
Debug = 1
[ DMR ]
Enable = 1
ColorCode = 1
SelfOnly = 0
DumpTAData = 1
CallHang = 3
TXHang = 4
Debug = 1
[ DMR Network ]
Enable = 1
Address = 127 .0.0.1
Port = 54000
Jitter = 300
Password = s3cr37w0rd
Slot1 = 1
Slot2 = 1
Debug = 1
RSSI = 0
Make some files and paths as root
mkdir /etc/mmdvm
cp MMDVM.ini /etc
cp RSSI.dat /etc/mmdvm
cp DMRIds.dat /etc/mmdvm
mkdir /var/log/mmdvm
ln -s /etc/mmdvm/MMDVM.ini /etc/MMDVM.ini
Make some mods to the RPi
sudo systemctl stop serial-getty@ttyAMA0.service
sudo systemctl disable serial-getty@ttyAMA0.service
remove all info for serial0 in /boot/cmdline.txt
sudo bash -c 'echo "dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt" >> /boot/config.txt'
sudo usermod –a –G dialout pi
sudo ./MMDVMHOST /etc/MMDVM.ini